Massage Therapy
Massage therapy is proven to be an effective method of preventing and treating diseases and injuries as it helps to enhance the functioning of all body systems. Whether through improving posture, muscle tone, and joint mobility of the musculoskeletal system or encouraging blood and lymph flow in turn increasing the efficiency of the circulatory and immune systems. Massage therapy mechanically affects the body in a positive way. Furthermore, our nervous systems benefit from improved sensory stimulation as well as coordination skills and our hormonal systems increase production of endorphins and oxytocin that promote healing and a sense of wellbeing.
Massage is a natural healing technique to promote overall health in any life stage and is beneficial in treating a broad range of issues. At Nunyara, all of our practitioners get to know you, your personal health needs, and goals to cater an individualized treatment for best results.
30 mins | $65
45 min | $80
60 mins | $100
75 min | $125
90 min | $145
120 min | $200
Prices subject to GST
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